Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Youtube Music Revelations '07

The age of music artists begging record labels for a contract is over,
now there is the internet so everyone can get there voice known all over the world thanks to youtube.com, etc.

Last year some artists had their breakthroughs: Esmee Denters, this 19-year old Dutch singer first became famous by using her sisters webcam to cover some famous songs, her number of subscribers kept growing.

Now Esmee already traveled all over the world after being offered a recording contract; she made some videos containing big stars like Justin Timberlake and she even opened for some of his concerts on his world tour. She made the cover of Billboard magazine and was a guest on Oprah, but we haven't heard the last of this girl yet, her debut album will be released this year.

links: http://www.esmeeworld.com/ or http://www.youtube.com/user/esmeedenters

Another girl that did very well last year is Kina Grannis, she's a bit more geeky: uses digg, twitter, facebook,... Aside from the internet she became famous by a contest "Crash the superbowl", which she won and got her a contract with a recording label.

On the internet she became famous by making the front page of digg with her youtube song 'Gotta Digg' (for which she was mentioned on 'Diggnation'); . She learned to play the guitar on her own, and she plays it amazingly good, so check her out on youtube.
A lot of her songs featured on youtube are her own songs, she's an amazing songwriter and a very nice girl who answers all your mails,comments, etc. and she sends out her own cd's (3 for 24 bucks). Now she starts to have concerts almost every week in the LA area. Hope she becomes even more famous and we'll get a chance to see her perform live.

links: http://www.kinagrannis.com/ or http://www.youtube.com/user/kinagrannis

Maybe I forgot to mention some really great youtube stars, so let me know in the comments; hope you become a fan of those 2 girls, like I did :)

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